Elizabeth Otten

About Me

Elizabeth Otten

Certified Health Coach and Personal Trainer

     My name is Liz I am a 37 year old wife and mom looking to make a small change in this world. I have been a certified personal trainer with my associates degree in exercise science since 2018. Up until recently I used most of that knowledge on myself, people I love and running fitness camps for kids. 
    Most of my life I have been significantly overweight, I always worked hard to make changes but nothing ever really stuck so I decided I would learn all the best ways to make change stick. Originally I thought exercise is where the most change would happen which is what guided me to become a personal trainer. During that process I learned that my mindset was not accurate and in order to reach my goals I needed to change my heart and my mind first. Over the last few years I started making small changes that were a lead into making the major changes. I sought out help and worked with my own coach for a while and that is where the real work began. My Coach changed my perspective in so many ways but I didn’t really apply the knowledge until the beginning of 2023. 
   Jan 2023 I made a choice for my life and ran with it. I really started to apply all the knowledge I had learned to my own life. I started setting boundaries for myself, worked on my physical and mental well being, and really applied myself in areas that I didn’t think I had the capabilities of succeeding. Here we are at the end of 2023 and I have lost 97 pounds and gained a new “I am worth it” mindset. 
   My goal with adding Health Coach to my programs is to guide you to find the same level of peace in your health journey. By focusing on inner and outer change at the same time you will transform your body and mind as a whole unit. Let’s work together to heal your soul and find that sparkle!